




那麼梅雨在英文裡要怎麼稱呼呢?奇摩字典裡有非常直接的說法:Plum Rains而且,還註明這是氣象學 (Meteorology) 的名詞,順道來認識一些和下雨有關的名詞吧。

滂沱大雨:a drench of rain

豪雨:a torrential rain; a downpour; a cloudburst

傾盆大雨:a downpour; a drencher; a pour; a soaker


最後,當然是有趣的片語:It rains cats and dogs,為什麼下大雨是下了貓跟狗呢?


(1) In olden times, homes had thatched roofs in which domestic animals such as cats and dogs would like to hide. In heavy rain, the animals would either be washed out of the thatch, or rapidly abandon it for better shelter, so it would seem to be raining cats and dogs.

(2) An unspecified Greek aphorism that was similar in sound and which meant "an unlikely occurrence".

(3) It is a corrupted version of a rare French word, catadoupe, meaning a waterfall.

(4) At one time the streets of British towns were so poorly constructed that many cats and dogs would drown whenever there was a storm; people seeing the corpses floating by would think they had fallen from the sky, like the proverbial rains of frogs.

(5) Cats were at one time thought to have influence over storms, especially by sailors, and that dogs were symbols of storms, often accompanying images and descriptions of the Norse storm god Odin. So when some particularly violent tempest appeared, people suggested it was caused by cats (bringing the rain) and dogs (the wind).





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